In an upcoming Netflix documentary, Arnold Schwarzenegger delves into the darker aspects of his life, including the infamous scandal involving his affair with housekeeper Mildred Baena. The 75-year-old star reflects on his journey, acknowledging the pain he caused his family due to his past indiscretions.
Schwarzenegger’s 25-year marriage to journalist Maria Shriver came to an end in 2011 when it was revealed that he had fathered a child with Baena, named Joseph Baena. Joseph, who was born in 1997, was kept secret for years, with Schwarzenegger admitting to being aware of his existence but hesitant to publicly acknowledge him for fear of tarnishing his political career and family image.
In the documentary trailer, Schwarzenegger somberly reflects, “People will remember my successes, but they’ll also remember my mistakes. It caused trouble in my marriage and in my relationship with my children. I’ve caused enough pain to my family. I’ll have to live with it for the rest of my life.”
Following the revelation, Schwarzenegger publicly admitted to his wrongdoing, expressing remorse and accepting responsibility for the hurt he caused. He publicly apologized to Shriver, his children, and loved ones, acknowledging the magnitude of his actions and expressing deep regret for the pain he inflicted.
Shriver, grappling with the devastating news, sought solace in a monastery, seeking guidance and inner peace. In a podcast interview, she revealed her vulnerability, admitting to allowing herself to feel weak and vulnerable for the first time. “I’ve never allowed myself to feel easy to be hurt, weak, and overwhelmed. Then the world did that to me,” Shriver confessed, recounting how she began “sobbing uncontrollably” upon arriving at the monastery, receiving counsel to live authentically with her emotions.
Schwarzenegger and Shriver share four children together, including author Katherine Schwarzenegger (now married to Guardians of the Galaxy star Chris Pratt) and actor Patrick Schwarzenegger. Despite their separation in 2011, the couple officially divorced ten years later.
Joseph Baena, Schwarzenegger’s son from his affair, is now 25 years old and following in his father’s footsteps as a bodybuilder and actor. He maintains a close relationship with his father and half-siblings, embodying resilience and forging his own path in the spotlight.